IONM (Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring) offers protection to neural tissues including the brain, spinal cord and/or peripheral nerves during surgery. IONM has been shown to be effective in reducing post-operative neurological complications in a variety of surgical procedures where neural structures are at risk.
Early irritation or impending injury can often be detected by measuring spontaneous or elicited (evoked) electrical signals produced by the nervous system or attached muscle groups during surgery.
IONM has been shown to be effective in reducing post-operative complications in numerous types of surgery.

Instantaneous Feedback
IONM allows for real-time detection of changes in the spinal cord and nerve structures during high-risk, invasive procedures. This allows your surgical team to quickly modify the procedure during critical stages in order to minimize permanent post-operative damage.
IONM helps to identify new neurological impairment early enough to allow prompt correction of the cause. This "early warning" system provides surgeons with the comfort necessary to perform complex cases.
Increased ability to accommodate more complex cases.
Decreased risk of adverse surgical outcomes.
IONM guides the degree of surgical intervention and provides a means for assessing the likelihood of postoperative complications.

On your day of surgery, a TXIOM technologist will visit with you in the pre-op room to review your medical history and you will be presented with some general paperwork including a consent and assignment of benefits form..
Our board-certified technologists will answer any questions you may have and will give you additional details regarding the intraoperative monitoring that will be performed during your surgery. Once all your questions have been addressed your technologist may place surface electrodes on your ankles and/or wrists to monitor these nerve pathways during your surgery.
In the operating room, once under anesthesia, your technologist will place electrodes on various locations dictated by the surgical procedure to monitor the appropriate structures during the surgery. Throughout the surgery, your technologist will run tests and remain in communication with the online board-certified neurologist and the surgeon for the duration of your surgery.
When surgery is complete, your technologist will remove all of the electrodes before you are moved to the recovery area.

Neurological Surgery
Brain tumor resection
Cervical fusion (anterior or posterior)
Lumbar fusion/Thoracolumbar fusion
Peripheral nerve exploration
Spinal cord tumor resections
Tethered spinal cord release
Chiari malformation
Otolaryngology/ENT Surgery
Acoustic neuroma
Cochlear implant
Orthopedic Surgery
Cervical fusion
Lumbar fusion
Removal of hardware
SCS Implant
Scoliosis correction
Acetabular fractures
Sciatic nerve decompression
Vascular Surgery
Carotid endarterectomy
Cardiopulmonary bypass,
Aortic aneurysm repair

Why is intraoperative monitoring important?
Intraoperative monitoring may reduce the risk of neurologic injury during surgery.
There are different risks associated with different surgical procedures. Prior to your surgery our technologist will consult with your surgeon to tailor a plan to fit your needs based on identified risks.
Our intraoperative monitoring team will perform the appropriate tests, providing constant feedback to the surgeon.
With this information the surgeon can make informed decisions and potentially take steps toward minimizing the possibility of injury to the nervous system.
What is the training background of my intraoperative monitoring team??
Our team of technologists are all CNIM board-certified through ABRET and average over 15 years of experience. Our technologists engage in ongoing education to maintain their certification, are active in professional conferences and journal review. We pride ourselves on being up-to-date on the most current advancements in IONM.
Monitoring Physicians
Our team of monitoring physicians consists of board certified neurologists and physiatrists. Each has extensive monitoring experience. Throughout the surgical procedure, they are in constant communication with the operating team.
Where are my monitoring results documented?
Our technologists and monitoring physicians each provide a detailed report after the surgery that is included in the patient’s electronic record.

Each patient monitored by TXIOM has the right to:
Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity.
Be afforded appropriate personal privacy.
Receive full information in layman’s terms concerning appropriate and timely evaluation.
Participate in decisions involving their healthcare.
Receive information on the services, fees, and payment policies of TXIOM.
Voice or file complaints or grievances regarding care that is (or is not) furnished.
Be free from any act of discrimination and to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
Receive care in a safe setting by competent and appropriately qualified personnel.
Know the identity and professional status of individuals providing service.
Have records pertaining to their care treated as confidential.
Be provided with, upon written request, access to all information contained in their medical record.
Refuse intraoperative monitoring procedures and to have their surgeon explain the medical consequences of the procedures and the lack of the monitoring.
Expect only clinically necessary diagnostic procedures.
TXIOM does not participate in any clinical trials, research, or investigational studies with its patients.
TXIOM does not use any recordings, films, or images of patients for use other than diagnosis, treatment, billing, or healthcare operations.